After reading the angel section of “Angels and Devils” by Joan Carroll Cruz and also having read “Ghosts Among Us” by James Van Praagh and also having read Mary Ann Winkowski’s book “When Ghosts Speak” I have put together my own little formula on how to protect our little ones.
When they are doing activities that require extra caution, for example, running when they are tired, balancing on a log, climbing rocks or fences, I do the following:
I say a prayer to God asking for protection of the kids in whatever activity they are doing. Then I ask their Guardian Angel to wrap their wings around my child and protect to prevent them from falling, or hitting a corner, or losing balance, or to catch them and let them land safely. I follow this up with a “Hail Mary” prayer or “Angel of God” prayer. And all this I say out-loud or mutter under my breath so that my Angel will hear my prayer.
It works every time and there have been some surprising little miracles that come out of it. It also means I don’t have to keep saying to my children “Be careful!” or prevent them from trying a new activity just because of my fears.
When they are not with me, for example being at school, kindy or a friend’s place or they are feeling scared / vulnerable, for example, having to go to the doctor’s or dentitst’s, then I do the following:
I say a prayer to God.
“Dear God, please protect … and I ask his/her Guardian Angels to be with him/her.
Please fill them with love and courage / Please support them through this doctor’s visit/ Please keep them happy and safe at kindy / (whatever prayer is appropriate). Thank-you God for your protection and your blessings.
Thank-you God for everything.”
Then I say a “Hail Mary” while visualising a bright white light, filled with God’s unconditional love, that fills my child from the top of their head write down to their toes, flushing out any brown, grey or black energy that it encounters. All the “bad” energy is flushed down through their toes and goes into the earth where it is neutralised with the love. When their little bodies are completely filled up with this wonderful love then I visualise them glowing with light so that an orb of light surrounds their whole body and protects them.
This light could be green or pink or white since pink is unconditional love, white is the purity of God and green is the light of the heart chakra. It could even be the blue light of the throat chakra if they are nervous about giving a speech or having a meeting with someone.
The Hail Mary:
Hail Mary, full of grace, The Lord is with You, Blessed are You among women, and Blessed is the Fruit of Your Womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God, Pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen