Praying to the dead

Today I was posed the question:

What do you think about praying to people that have died, that have passed on? Some people say that I would be disturbing them if I do that.

In my mind’s eye, I see time as an illusion of the mind. So when someone dies, for example, it is my physical form and my mind that consider’s him dead. But I believe that my soul which is so vast and timeless, still connects with dad’s soul, even though physically he is gone. I believe his soul is timeless and is connected with mine.

I have heard of earth-bound spirits – those that have not crossed into the light and have chosen to remain in the physical time-bound world. For these spirits, if I were to pray to them, they would not be able to hear me unless they were physically in the room.

If a soul had to be re-born again then, only if that human was in touch with their spiritual side, would they feel a prayer being said to them.

If a soul was in Heaven then they could hear your prayer and intercede for you.

But I do not believe that praying to a departed person could disturb them.

In short, I have asked dad to intercede for me but mainly I trust in God and usually ask Mother Mary to intercede or one of the Saints.

I believe Faith and Trust is so important when asking anyone of anything.

November 20th, 2009 9:03 am

