My Soul’s Journey

My name is Rossanne Dutta.

It’s 2009 and I am now 30 years old. I have come to a point in my life where I feel the most aware I have ever been about the existance of my soul and the relationship I have with the world and all other souls in it.

I have come across so many teachings and beliefs, it’s difficult sometimes to know which to follow.

I was raised a hard-core Catholic and remained loyal and faithful to the Roman Catholic Church until I met my someone who challenged my beliefs and shattered the rigidity of my thinking.

I wandered aimlessly for sometime searching from here to there, trying to find “The Truth”, “The Answer”, the one religion to fit them all! It was a confusing time until such a point that I dropped the search all together. I prayed… when I needed something. I fasted at Lent… because it was drilled in to me from such a young age to do so. But I rarely felt fulfilled in what knew knowledge I was accumulating or aquiring.

In 2007, I did the Landmark Forum and that woke up something in my soul that I had been longing for.
In 2008, I stumbled upon EFT and that made me realise the answer to my searching had been in front of me all along, it was inside of me.
In 2009, my brother (who had now become a faithful Catholic) gave me a book called “Angels & Devils” which is a Catholic study of what Angels and Devils mean to Catholics. I’ve since finished half of the book and have been uplifted with so much joy in having Angels by my side. Meanwhile my mother-in-law gave me another book called “The Power of Now” that has added missing pieces to this puzzle.

And so, with all this information, I’d like to track my soul’s journey on this planet, in this life situation, to follow my awakening.