Healing Sexual Abuse
October 11th, 2010
My thoughts after reading http://crowingcrone.wordpress.com/2010/10/10/healing-the-past-generations/
The History
Similar scenario in our family. Grandfather’s mum abandoned family because of an abusive husband. Grandfather physically and verbally abused by father, perhaps he was sexually abused my family members too.
Grandfather sexually abused step grand children. His own sons sexually abused neices and nephews and even the next generation. Probably due to them having been victims themselves. My generation sexually abused cousins and cousin’s children. Each time I found out about someone new, it was a painful awakening to the hurst dormant inside my family.
The Story
My grandfather has been dead for over 20years now. I had brought myself to a higher spiritual plane and was far more aware of energies, internal and external.
I felt his presence often as I tapped on releasing my hurts about sexual abuse and how it had impacted me up to that present day. The anger, pain, embarrassment, shame. Boy, was that a journey!
I was terrified of him. Why was he here? I asked my sister for help.
It was my rage that I had to release. It took many sessions of tapping to release all this. It spanned many lifetimes of betrayal and deciet, both ways.
I felt his presence, foreboding at first, scary, overwhelming.
I tapped through much of my fear of him.
Then I prayed and tapped for him, his fear, his anger at me, for holding him hostage in my anger. He was unable to move anywhere because too many souls held him captive in a place of dread and despair.
I released his fear of me. Together we released resentment and pain for eachother. We cried together. He pleaded with me for my forgiveness.
We forgave eachother.
He pleaded with me for forgiveness from all his other victims.
ahhhh…. now I remember the journey – the goal I’d set out for myself at the beginning of this year.
My grandfather had asked me to heal my family. He asked me to go to each of his victims and help them to heal their pain. This would ultimately free all of us and enable him to move closer to the light. He asked for prayers from his whole family to help this journey.
And that was back in January.
And now…
this is my reminder from him. Watching over me as I write this. Praying that I succeed. This was not just about releasing him. This is about releasing my whole family from the self-inflicted shackles created over generations of anger and hate and hurt towards eachother.