Archive for October, 2009
Wealth Attraction

When I was searching for answers to be wealthy, I had no idea that the books that would come to me would actually be about my soul and it’s greater purpose.

It’s fantastic and mind-blowing. To think that all along I held the keys to my happiness, my wealth, my health. The world no longer acts on me but I am able to stand back, observe, and then act on the world accordingly.

I could not be in this presence if it were not for clearing so many emotional obstacles that stood in my path using EFT. I had so much anger, repression, depression, anxiety, longing, inside of me. Only after removing so much of it do I see the pain body I had been carrying for so many years. I feel so open to accepting life and moulding it according to how my soul would like it to be… in the Now and standing for others.

My life’s journey does have a bigger picture because I choose for it to be so. My life’s journey is about others.

I have so many dreams to help so many people. At the same time I have equally fantastic dreams to live by the beach, in a house with a pool, with my family, driving my nice car, working at my leisure and enjoying what I do to create wealth, loving my family deeply, treasuring each moment with friends and family. It’s almost crazy and yet absolutely wonderful.

The greatest gift is being aware that with God by my side, and complete faith and trust in the Lord, anything is possible.

I love you God and I thank You for all Your wonderful gifts – my family, my friends, my material possessions, my expertise, and thank-You for YOU.