We Inherit Our Parents Energy

I have started to form a belief that we inherit our parents energy when we are born. It begins in the womb as we absorb our mother’s moods and feelings and of course continues when we are born since we are surrounded by them.

I looked into this and found some science around it.

Dr Alberto Halabe Bucay in Mexico has been doing research around this and found chemicals our brain  affects sperm and egg in our bodies. His study shows that emotions such as happiness, depression, fear, anxiety, joy, pleasure, etc creates chemicals in our own bodies that affect the chemicals in our eggs or sperm. He also found that the chemistry in our parents bodies at the time of conception  affects the genetics of our embryo. He is looking for other research for or against his own research.

This is just the scientific outlook. For years now we’ve known that alcohol or drugs affect sperm and egg and especially embryo. So it seems that what our bodies physically intake has a direct affect on our offspring. Why then, could our emotions not have an affect on our offspring too?

I like the scientific theory but I’m really more interested in the energy / psychokinetic / metaphysical / spiritual aspect. So i looked a little further and found “ki” or “chi” or “qi” meaning energy.

I’ve found that there is inherited energy, parental energy, acquired energy, and immune system energy.

I give credit to ancient beliefs more than I do to modern science. With that in mind I have to say these energy types fit into my theory about energy so there must be something to it.

My theory is that our energy is determined when we are conceived (inherited energy), when we are in the womb and during labour and birth (parental energy), during the course of our life (acquired energy) and based on the lives of our ancestors (inherited energy).

I also believe that although the umbilical cord is cut when we are born, we are actually still connected by some energy type umbilical cord and it is only through energy healing that we are able to cut this energy cord that binds us to our ancestors. Based on this theory I feel that the moods of our parents and grandparents affect our mood. And hence, the mood of our siblings, then aunts & uncles, then cousins, also have an impact on our mood. I believe it works in ripples. The intensity decreases in the order I just listed. Thus not only is it important to clear the negative energy of our selves but also of our family members.

More on this theory later…

January 16th, 2010 10:57 pm

[…] I believe that through clearing hidden anxieties in my family, there will follow a positive impact on our children. I have more to say about hereditary energies but for that you can visit My Soul’s Journey. […]
