Symptoms Of Spiritual Awakening

Found this interesting link:

Symptoms of Spiritual Awakening by Annarita
The page lists many symptoms of spiritual awakening. So many of the symptoms I’ve been feeling for over a year now but did not know what it was or why it was happening.
After reading this list of symptoms, I feel so much more “normal”.
I couldn’t explain so many emotions and events while I was experiencing them. I didn’t know what was happening or why. I would read more, pray more, tap more.
Only now looking back on them all does it make sense. It was part of my spiritual journey. And still is. Every moment is a lesson to learn something. Every interaction offers new insights if only I’m awake enough to listen.
What an amazing journey it’s been!
Healing Sexual Abuse

The History
Similar scenario in our family. Grandfather’s mum abandoned family because of an abusive husband. Grandfather physically and verbally abused by father, perhaps he was sexually abused my family members too.
Grandfather sexually abused step grand children. His own sons sexually abused neices and nephews and even the next generation. Probably due to them having been victims themselves. My generation sexually abused cousins and cousin’s children. Each time I found out about someone new, it was a painful awakening to the hurst dormant inside my family.

The Story
My grandfather has been dead for over 20years now. I had brought myself to a higher spiritual plane and was far more aware of energies, internal and external.
I felt his presence often as I tapped on releasing my hurts about sexual abuse and how it had impacted me up to that present day. The anger, pain, embarrassment, shame. Boy, was that a journey!
I was terrified of him. Why was he here? I asked my sister for help.
It was my rage that I had to release. It took many sessions of tapping to release all this. It spanned many lifetimes of betrayal and deciet, both ways.
I felt his presence, foreboding at first, scary, overwhelming.
I tapped through much of my fear of him.
Then I prayed and tapped for him, his fear, his anger at me, for holding him hostage in my anger. He was unable to move anywhere because too many souls held him captive in a place of dread and despair.
I released his fear of me. Together we released resentment and pain for eachother. We cried together. He pleaded with me for my forgiveness.
We forgave eachother.
He pleaded with me for forgiveness from all his other victims.
ahhhh…. now I remember the journey – the goal I’d set out for myself at the beginning of this year.
My grandfather had asked me to heal my family. He asked me to go to each of his victims and help them to heal their pain. This would ultimately free all of us and enable him to move closer to the light. He asked for prayers from his whole family to help this journey.
And that was back in January.
And now…
this is my reminder from him. Watching over me as I write this. Praying that I succeed. This was not just about releasing him. This is about releasing my whole family from the self-inflicted shackles created over generations of anger and hate and hurt towards eachother.
Heal Your Ancestors

I kept wondering how healing myself is linked to healing my ancestors. Some sites say you can heal yourself by disconnecting from the negative energy of your ancestors. But how would that help my ancestors??

Finally I found this:

An excerpt from a book called “Karma and Reincarnation” by Dr. Hiroshi Motoyama, Head Priest of the Shinto Tamamitsu sect of Japan which states:

“The parent/child connection manifests as one link in a long chain of ancestral karma that stretches back through time.  Your link to your family allows you to be born into that specific line – it is a link that needs to be understood and respected.  In this modern scientific age it is very difficult for people to accept the fact that they are responsible to their ancestors, that they are actually liable for the actions of their ancestors if the resulting karma has not yet been dissolved.  Many find it absurd to think that the actions of an unknown ancestor could possibly have anything to do with what is happening to them today.  But time and time again when investigating someone’s karma, I find problems that stretch back generations.  Their spirit is not just an individual entity, it is also part of the family spirit that births and nurtures it.”

 But what was even more interesting was what the rest of this page said:

Please read it – it gives much better information than I can describe at this time.

My understanding now is that our ancestors will re-incarnate back into this ancestry line. So based on that, by healing our issues with our current family members, we heal our family and ourselves and prevent the recurring problems for our future generations who are actually our ancestors!

We can also heal our ancestors too so that they can pray for us and guide us from The Light.

I pray for my grandparents that have died and for dad. I forgive them all for any past hurts they may have caused me and I release my unforgiveness of these hurts known and unkown.
I ask their forgiveness for any hurts I have caused them, and I release the attachment to that pain.
I pray that souls of Ross Clay, Victor Clay, Kolio Kolio, and Iris Clay are elevated to the light, peace and love in God that these souls need, so that they may bring peace, love and light to me and my family and my home.
I ask the Archangel Uriel to come to my assistance and heal my family and myself from these past hurts and pains. Release all this pain for us.
Thank-you God for everything.

Protecting Children

After reading the angel section of “Angels and Devils” by Joan Carroll Cruz and also having read “Ghosts Among Us”  by James Van Praagh and also having read Mary Ann Winkowski’s book “When Ghosts Speak” I have put together my own little formula on how to protect our little ones.

When they are doing activities that require extra caution, for example, running when they are tired, balancing on a log, climbing rocks or fences, I do the following:

I say a prayer to God asking for protection of the kids in whatever activity they are doing. Then I ask their Guardian Angel to wrap their wings around my child and protect to prevent them from falling, or hitting a corner, or losing balance, or to catch them and let them land safely. I follow this up with a “Hail Mary” prayer or “Angel of God” prayer. And all this I say out-loud or mutter under my breath so that my Angel will hear my prayer.

It works every time and there have been some surprising little miracles that come out of it. It also means I don’t have to keep saying to my children “Be careful!” or prevent them from trying a new activity just because of my fears.

When they are not with me, for example being at school, kindy or a friend’s place or they are feeling scared / vulnerable, for example, having to go to the doctor’s or dentitst’s, then I do the following:

I say a prayer to God.
“Dear God, please protect … and I ask his/her Guardian Angels to be with him/her.
Please fill them with love and courage / Please support them through this doctor’s visit/ Please keep them happy and safe at kindy / (whatever prayer is appropriate). Thank-you God for your protection and your blessings.
Thank-you God for everything.”
Then I say a “Hail Mary” while visualising a bright white light, filled with God’s unconditional love, that fills my child from the top of their head write down to their toes, flushing out any brown, grey or black energy that it encounters. All the “bad” energy is flushed down through their toes and goes into the earth where it is neutralised with the love. When their little bodies are completely filled up with this wonderful love then I visualise them glowing with light so that an orb of light surrounds their whole body and protects them.
This light could be green or pink or white since pink is unconditional love, white is the purity of God and green is the light of the heart chakra. It could even be the blue light of the throat chakra if they are nervous about giving a speech or having a meeting with someone.

The Hail Mary:
Hail Mary, full of grace, The Lord is with You, Blessed are You among women, and Blessed is the Fruit of Your Womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God, Pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen

We Inherit Our Parents Energy

I have started to form a belief that we inherit our parents energy when we are born. It begins in the womb as we absorb our mother’s moods and feelings and of course continues when we are born since we are surrounded by them.

I looked into this and found some science around it.

Dr Alberto Halabe Bucay in Mexico has been doing research around this and found chemicals our brain  affects sperm and egg in our bodies. His study shows that emotions such as happiness, depression, fear, anxiety, joy, pleasure, etc creates chemicals in our own bodies that affect the chemicals in our eggs or sperm. He also found that the chemistry in our parents bodies at the time of conception  affects the genetics of our embryo. He is looking for other research for or against his own research.

This is just the scientific outlook. For years now we’ve known that alcohol or drugs affect sperm and egg and especially embryo. So it seems that what our bodies physically intake has a direct affect on our offspring. Why then, could our emotions not have an affect on our offspring too?

I like the scientific theory but I’m really more interested in the energy / psychokinetic / metaphysical / spiritual aspect. So i looked a little further and found “ki” or “chi” or “qi” meaning energy.

I’ve found that there is inherited energy, parental energy, acquired energy, and immune system energy.

I give credit to ancient beliefs more than I do to modern science. With that in mind I have to say these energy types fit into my theory about energy so there must be something to it.

My theory is that our energy is determined when we are conceived (inherited energy), when we are in the womb and during labour and birth (parental energy), during the course of our life (acquired energy) and based on the lives of our ancestors (inherited energy).

I also believe that although the umbilical cord is cut when we are born, we are actually still connected by some energy type umbilical cord and it is only through energy healing that we are able to cut this energy cord that binds us to our ancestors. Based on this theory I feel that the moods of our parents and grandparents affect our mood. And hence, the mood of our siblings, then aunts & uncles, then cousins, also have an impact on our mood. I believe it works in ripples. The intensity decreases in the order I just listed. Thus not only is it important to clear the negative energy of our selves but also of our family members.

More on this theory later…

Msgr James Shannahan

Sad news about Fr Shannahan.

I just found out that he passed away this morning at 8am at Mercy Hospital. What an amazing priest. Last time I spoke to him he was 80 years old and he conducted dad’s first year memorial service.

I couldn’t help myself from crying. I don’t know this priest well. He’s conducted many masses that I’ve attended throughout my life. He baptised my kids and my nephew. But other than that there was not much contact.

And yet, I found myself in tears over his passing. And I say passing because now I understand that “it is in dying that we are born to eternal life” but it brought up so much hidden sadness that I haven’t cared to address before.

Sadness at my dad passing away three years ago. Sadness at the loss of a wonderful priest for the Catholic Church. Sadness because of a personal belief that there is a shortage of priests in Auckland, a shortage of newly ordained kiwis wanting to join the priesthood. Sadness that someone who so loved the church and those who were in it and not in it, had left us. And I guess a kind of sadness of being left to fend on my own… wierd as it sounds. He’s one of the few priests I remember now from my childhood. I don’t know many priests now because I haven’t been to many masses to actually know other priests.

I feel a bit guilty today, being the first Sunday of Advent. I should’ve taken my kids to mass, I was awake. And I had the time. And I remembered. And yet I’ve been falling short of so many of my commitments recently. What’s happening to me I wonder. I feel like I’m falling into a different space – not a bad one – but a different one.

I trust in God in my journey through this. I know I will come out well. I know this is just whatever meaning I put to it.

God I thank-you for this wonderful day. I thank-you for this wonderful man you gave to us, Fr Shannahan, who inspired me to be a better Christian and left loving feelings in my heart about the Church. Thank-you God for Advent, for Christmas, and most of all for Jesus Your Son, giving Him to us so that He could die on a cross for our sins.

Thank-you God for giving me all that I ask and empowering me to live a good life.

I love you and I trust in you completely.

Praying to the dead

Today I was posed the question:

What do you think about praying to people that have died, that have passed on? Some people say that I would be disturbing them if I do that.

In my mind’s eye, I see time as an illusion of the mind. So when someone dies, for example, it is my physical form and my mind that consider’s him dead. But I believe that my soul which is so vast and timeless, still connects with dad’s soul, even though physically he is gone. I believe his soul is timeless and is connected with mine.

I have heard of earth-bound spirits – those that have not crossed into the light and have chosen to remain in the physical time-bound world. For these spirits, if I were to pray to them, they would not be able to hear me unless they were physically in the room.

If a soul had to be re-born again then, only if that human was in touch with their spiritual side, would they feel a prayer being said to them.

If a soul was in Heaven then they could hear your prayer and intercede for you.

But I do not believe that praying to a departed person could disturb them.

In short, I have asked dad to intercede for me but mainly I trust in God and usually ask Mother Mary to intercede or one of the Saints.

I believe Faith and Trust is so important when asking anyone of anything.

Helping Others

I quite extensively use EFT to remove negative energies that are blocking flow in my life or creating obstacles for me in my thinking. It has helped me tremendously to move closer to God and become more self-aware and more socially aware. I wish every single person on the planet would use EFT to help clear an emotional issues, traumas or physical pain they have. However, given that not everyone knows about it, I feel so obliged to tap for others.

Initially I tried to get my friends to start tapping for themselves but they are not interested. And I find myself at a lack of time to do it for them when I know I could so easily help them out. But I have my life to lead and my immediately family to tap on, whether it’s for troubles at school/kindy/work or physical health I keep tapping for my family.

Sometimes I feel burdened by the tapping I feel I Need to do for others. I tapped on this and I don’t feel so burdened by it anymore. But I do still feel responsible for their health. So I may spend hours in a day just tapping on people.

The other little annoyance I know I need to tap on is the acknowledgement for the tapping I do for people. But then, why? I need to give without expecting anything in return. And give in secret so that only God knows what I do for them =)

Thank-you God for this amazing, phenominal, mind-blowing tool!!

I love you God. Jesus, I trust in You. Thank-you Mother Mary for being my intecessor, mother and guide. I love you always.

Wealth Attraction

When I was searching for answers to be wealthy, I had no idea that the books that would come to me would actually be about my soul and it’s greater purpose.

It’s fantastic and mind-blowing. To think that all along I held the keys to my happiness, my wealth, my health. The world no longer acts on me but I am able to stand back, observe, and then act on the world accordingly.

I could not be in this presence if it were not for clearing so many emotional obstacles that stood in my path using EFT. I had so much anger, repression, depression, anxiety, longing, inside of me. Only after removing so much of it do I see the pain body I had been carrying for so many years. I feel so open to accepting life and moulding it according to how my soul would like it to be… in the Now and standing for others.

My life’s journey does have a bigger picture because I choose for it to be so. My life’s journey is about others.

I have so many dreams to help so many people. At the same time I have equally fantastic dreams to live by the beach, in a house with a pool, with my family, driving my nice car, working at my leisure and enjoying what I do to create wealth, loving my family deeply, treasuring each moment with friends and family. It’s almost crazy and yet absolutely wonderful.

The greatest gift is being aware that with God by my side, and complete faith and trust in the Lord, anything is possible.

I love you God and I thank You for all Your wonderful gifts – my family, my friends, my material possessions, my expertise, and thank-You for YOU.